Sports Outfit
Join my Discord server for discounts and updates:
- 22 384 Triangles
- Includes jacket, sports top, shorts, socks and shoes
- 2 materials (outfit and shoes), AudioLink on emissions
- Rigged for Kettu Base
- Body, head, ears and hair not included
- Drag-and-drop installation to Kettu base via VRCFury (Includes toggles for jacket, hue shift and emission strength). To install it just drag the prefab onto the Kettu Base and upload
- FBX, materials, textures, PhysBones settings and rig included in UNITYPACKAGE.
- Requires Poiyomi Toon Shader v9.1.20, VRC CC, VRCFury
- Commercial License (DO NOT re-sell the asset alone as is, but you can sell it on your own model/avatar)
- You must credit me (JorgenVRC) as the original creator of the model and include the link to my store
- This product is non-refundable, all sales are final
62.4 MB
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